Tools in currently in development |
- Smooth
Edges sop - a tool
with extra smoothing algorithm as alternatives to the current smooth
sop, optionally taking a second input of deforming geometry, the
smoothing would then happen in areas of maximum distortion in the
second input.
Curve sop - an
experiementally sop for modelling long hair.
- Texture Unwrapper -
LSCM texture unwrapping sop - UVunwrapLSCM
- Texture
Tiler cop - a cop
for automatically creating tileable textures from sample input.
- Toon
render system -
shaders, cops and robbers for doing really nice toon ink renders,
variable line width and weight all the tools to control where the lines
are made, plus shaders for the cell elements.
- Remesher
sop - a sop for
cleaning scan data and making "nice" triangulated meshes from nasty
Changes needed
for existing tools |
- Poly
Cusp Bevel sop -
rewrite to use GQ structure to improve efficiency.
Site changes in development |