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Otls Vex/Vops
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Partition by Colour
Create named groups from primitive colours. Automatically detects existing colours and sorts them, the user can then change the default group names to something more useful.

source, help & icon files
example file

Compiled code - includes help & icons
helpicon View help file>>>
Build Linux Windows

Houdini 8.1.866 cross gif tick gif
Houdini 8.2.13
vc7 - 32bit Houdini 9.1.124
vc8 - 32bit Houdini 9.5.379
vc8 - 32bit Houdini 10.0.528
Installation instructions:
Download, unzip and copy the folders to your Houdini home directory.  To check the location of your Houdini home directory type `echo $HOME` in a Houdini textport.