Wrap Deform SOP


This sop is the third of 3 sops that use one surface to deform another based on the weighted proximity of the points in the driver surface to the deformed one. This sop performs the deformation phase on the surface you wish to deform.  

This sop can now read an orient attribute found on the geometry in input 3, it is preferable to use this attribute as it is faster. The orient attribute can either be created with the wrap prep sop (see the wrap prep help for how to do this) or the houdini attributeReorient sop.


Method 1
Input 1 is the geometry to deform, input 2 is the rest position of the driver surface (converted using a Wrap prep sop) and input 3 must also be a Wrap prep sop wired to a deforming piece of polygonal geometry .  

Method 2
Input 1 is the geometry to deform, input 2 is the rest position of the driver surface and input 3 is geometry with a point orient attribute on it created via the attributeReorient sop (see the houdini help cards for how this sop is used) or a wrap prep sop.

There is only one parameter at this stage and that is just there to allow you to remove the memory hungry capture attributes which are no longer required after this sop.


Delete capture attributes Deletes all the capture attributes created by the Wrap capture sop. This frees up memory by not passing all the attributes to the next sop.